Sunday 5 September 2010

Proud Distributors of the Kitchen Canny!

Canny [‘kani] adj 1 careful, prudent, astute la16-. 2 skilful, dextrous 19-. 3 frugal, sparing 19-: ‘be canny wi the butter’

Kitchen Canny is a brand new Changeworks project that aims to help householders find practical ways to reduce their food waste.

Changeworks is working with four thousand people in communities across the Lothian and Borders area to find out what works when it comes to cutting down the amount of edible food we throw away.

Every kitchen is different.  They want to help you figure out what works best for you and the way you run your kitchen. You may already know a lot of the things you could be doing but may not have found the time to try them out.  The Kitchen Canny Householder Action Kit aims to encourage you to find the time and guide you through some ideas that might fit.

Here's why we think it's important:
It's better for your pocket
According to recent research, Scottish households wastw £1 billion of food each year  -that's £430 per household. The cost of collecting all that food waste is £85 million a year (The Food We Waste in Scotland, WRAP 2009
It's better for the environment
Producing, transporting and storing food uses huge amounts of energy, water and packaging. When you waste food, you waste all of these resources too
That's not all. The majority of food waste ends up in landfill sites where it decomposes and releases methane, a powerful greenhouse gas
It's better for people
1 billion people of going hungry according to the World Food Programme, with 1 in 5 not getting enough food to be healthy.

You can pick up your FREE Kitchen Canny Kit at The Small World Shop from Tuesday 7th September while stocks last.


  1. Do you have any left? If so, can |I pick one up?

  2. Hiya, yes we have at least 10 left. I love mine! The rice measure included in the pack is really handy.

    Why not pick up a questionnaire at the same time for a chance to win fair trade goodies!

  3. Cheers - picked one up today and left the completed questionnaire.
